미팅의 종류(Different types of meeting)

▶ Team meeting(팀미팅): Regular meeting with people who work on the same team.

▶ Brainstorming meeting(브레인스토밍 미팅): To find some new ideas for products, services, and so on.

▶ Kick-off meeting(프로젝트 진행 시작 미팅): Held at the beginning of project

▶ Progress meeting(프로젝트 진행중의 미팅): Held during a project period to check progress

▶ Board meeting(이사회): To make decisions on important issues in a company among senor managers

▶ Shareholder meeting(주주총회): To provide information or make decisions with investors

기타 미팅종류

▶ Seminar(세미나), Workshop(워크숍), Convention(컨벤션), Conference(컨퍼런스), Forum(포럼), Symposium(심포지엄)

미팅 가능 여부 확인

▶ Can we meet ~ ?: 만날 수 있을까요?

ex) Can we meet sometime next week to discuss the next year's sales plan?

▶ I'd like to schedule ~: 스케줄을 잡고 싶습니다

ex) I'd like to schedule a meeting as soon as possible for company relocation

미팅 일시/장소제안

▶ How about ~ ?: ~ 는 어때요?

ex) How about Wednesday at 10 o'clock?

▶ Can/Could we meet ~ ?: 만날 수 있을까요?

ex) Could we meet next Monday in my office?

미팅 일시/장소확인

▶ I look forward to seeing you ~: 만나 뵈었으면 좋겠습니다.

ex) I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at the headquaters.

▶ I will see you ~: 만나고 싶습니다

ex) I will see you next Friday at 2pm.

미팅 준비시 간단한 대화에 유용한 질문들

1) How long are you staying in Korea?

2) Have you visited some tourist attractions in Korea?

3) Do you like the weather in Korea?

4) What was your first impression of Korea?

5) How is Korea different from your country?

6) Where is your hometown?

7) How do you like Korean foods?

간단한 대화에 금기 시 하는 주제

▶ Marriage, Children, Age, Money, Physical appearance, Religion, Politics

미팅 의제

▶ Purpose → Objectives and intended outcome 미팅의 목표, 의도하는 결과

▶ Time → When meeting should start and end 미팅 시작/종료 시간

▶ Place → Include directions if the meeting is off-site 미팅 장소/찾아가는방법(약도)

▶ Participants → Who's expected to attend? 미팅 참석자

▶ Items → Things to be discussed 토론 항목





Purpose: To identify ways to reduce company costs

Time: September 9th 09:30 ~ 11:00

Place: Conference room on the 3rd floor

Participants: John Park, R&D manager

              Kevin Hong, HR manager

 Brian Kim, Finance manager


1. Staff cuts

2. Reducing the research budget

3. Cutting salaries


▶ agenda 의사일정, 협의 사항, 의제

▶ kick off 시작하다, 막을 올리다

▶ off-site (어느 특정한 장소에서)떨어진

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